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HCG - The Science Behind the Diet

Recent Studies in the United States estimate:


  * 3.8 million people weigh over 300 pounds

  * 400,000 people carry more than 400 pounds

  * Average adult female weighs 170 pounds


The rest of the world is not too far behind. In the UK and Germany, the demand for plus size dresses have quadrupled in the last 5 years. Developing countries like India, China and the Middle East are also registering a quantum jump in the number of obese people. The writing is on the wall: obesity is an epidemic and we need to treat it as such.


“HCG diet protocol identifies the underlying physical causes that lead to obesity and corrects these causes. Invariably, this leads to an easy, quick and fail proof weight loss system. More importantly, the weight lost is fat from the troubled areas like the hip, thighs, buttocks and waist. Because it attacks the secure fat reserves in the body, people who've done this protocol look as if they've had liposuction.


Since it seeks to identify and destroy the underlying physical causes that contribute to obesity, ‘the HCG diet protocol is the only system that can lead to permanent weight loss. Some of the most significant benefits of following this protocol are:


  1. Quick results (you will be losing between 3 to 10 pounds per week).

  2. Consistent results (you will not hit plateaus with this program)

  3. Hunger pangs become virtually non-existent.

  4. Fat is lost from secure areas, thus giving your body a sculpted look. Muscle and structural fat is not lost.

  5. Increased energy levels throughout the phases of the protocol.

  6. No feelings of deprivation or signs of depression.

  7. Weight lost is lost forever.

  8. Emotional eating vanishes.

  9. Hunger and appetite mechanisms are reset to normal levels.

  10. Internal body weight levels will be reset and your natural metabolism will speed up.


To reset the hypothalamus and to wash away the toxins and residue collecting in the body from years of abuse, ‘the weight loss protocol’ must be followed accurately in four distinct phases‘The weight loss protocol’ as researched and perfected by Dr Simeons, more than 50 years ago, works on a single indomitable concept: attack the root of the problem and the problem will not occur ever again. Dr Simeons found out that stubborn fat reserves are naturally released from the body at two times:


  1. During acute periods of starvation, the body releases fat reserves to function normally.

  2. In pregnant women, secure fat reserves are released naturally to ensure the health of the unborn baby.


To Dr Simeons, the second option seemed to be a possible healthy solution to the problem. He found out that the hormone-like substance called `human Chorionic Gonadotrophin’ (hCG) that occurs naturally in pregnant women could be combined with a very low-calorie diet to lose fat permanently. hCG is a naturally occurring hormone that has been around for as long as God made women and is not known to have any negative side effects. 


** What makes the HCG PROTOCOL amazing is that people undergoing the Protocol are able to sustain a low calorie diet without suffering from hunger pangs, depression, anxiety, irritability or any other symptoms associated with it. In fact, because hCG releases secure fat reserves (around 2500 calories) from the body, individuals undergoing the Protocol feel energetic and vibrant. **


(This research is from the book: The Weight Loss Cure they don’t want you to know about.)






Almost 50 years ago, a British medical doctor realized that the massive hunger, food cravings and low metabolic patterns that overweight people deal with is not due to poor eating habits. Obese and overweight people are actually victims of certain defective bodily systems and functions. That is why they find it inexplicably hard to follow any diet plan and lose weight successfully. Even if they are successful in losing a few pounds, they gain it all back and then some.


Ironically, even the little they lose is the "good" fat that the body requires for its proper functioning. The bad fat clings stubbornly to the waist, buttocks, thighs, hips and upper arms. In short, traditional diet plans that focus on dietary restrictions coupled with extreme exercise routines can rarely help fat people to lose weight quickly and from the problem areas. 


Research has shown that fat people process fat differently from thin people. There are certain physical constraints in obese people that make them fat. Their bodies follow different patterns of metabolism and they release fat differently. That is why many overweight people find it difficult to lose weight, particularly from their problem areas. To understand this better, let us take a moment to understand what is happening inside the body. 


3 Different Kinds of fat 


  1. Structural fat: This fat surrounds the organs and the joints, cushions the bones of the feet and keeps our skin smooth and supple.

  2. Normal fat reserves: This is the fat used by the body as fuel in its day-to-day functioning.

  3. Secure fat reserves: This fat is the body's energy storehouse. This surplus fat that is deposited in secure reserves so that it can be utilized during periods of starvation or other major physical crisis. It is stored as a survival mechanism and is released only during times of the most severe nutritional emergency. This is the fat you carry in your midriff, thighs, buttocks and arms.


When overweight people try to lose weight, they lose the first two kinds of fat. Your healthy fat goes out along with the much required muscle mass. That is why people who lose substantial amounts of weight continue to have grotesque stomachs and thighs while they look haggard and drawn.


Physical causes of obesity


Fat people and thin people process food in different ways. Many times, overweight people are accused of nurturing faulty eating habits and an indulgent lifestyle. However, the truth is that the factors that lead to obesity are often beyond the control of the person in question. These are:


  1. A low metabolism: People who are naturally thin tend to burn calories faster. In overweight people, the rate of metabolism is very slow. Therefore they cannot burn food and fuel, and the excess food is converted to fat.

  2. Excessive and intense hunger: Overweight people have intense physiological hunger that is not easily suppressed.

  3. Emotional eating: In fat people, what is often considered as bingeing or emotional eating has underlying physical causes.

  4. Faulty genetics: Genetics is the main contributing cause of a low metabolism, compulsive physical hunger and emotional eating.

  5. Defective eating habits: Certain components of food trigger weight gain and obesity in overweight people.


Why do overweight people develop these problems? 


Overweight people experience intense hunger because of an abnormally operating hypothalamus which leads to low metabolism. The hypothalamus is the master gland of the body which regulates hunger and metabolism in human beings. In fat people this gland does not operate in a normal state. Prolonged fasting and acute dieting shock the hypothalamus. Physical conditions like clogged colon and liver or Candida yeast overgrowth contribute to this. Certain food additives, allergies and psychological causes compound the problem.


The main physiological causes that lead to obesity are:


  1. Abnormal hypothalamus

  2. Genetics

  3. Intense hunger

  4. Low metabolism

  5. Abnormal physical conditions that lead to storing of fat in the secure problem areas, from where it is difficult to remove fat.

  6. Clogged liver

  7. Clogged colon

  8. Poor digestion

  9. Candida overgrowth

  10. Lack of enzymes in food

  11. Hypoactive thyroid

  12. Hormonal imbalances

  13. Insulin resistance due to abnormal working of the pancreas

  14. Constant dieting

  15. Toxins in the fatty tissue of the body

  16. Lack of muscle mass

  17. Poor sleeping and breathing habits

  18. Sluggish lymphatic system

  19. Parasites within the body

  20. Poor circulation

  21. Impact of prescription drugs



Certain psychological factors also contribute to weight gain. These are:


  1. Stressful incidents

  2. Food cravings

  3. Mental triggers and brainwashing from food and restaurant advertisers

  4. Stockpiling food

  5. Lack of sleep


Certain eating habits also contribute to the rapid gain of weight in people who already suffer from the aforesaid problems:


  1. Eating high calorie, low fiber, highly refined and sugar-rich food

  2. Nutritional deficiencies due to the lack of calcium, zinc, vitamin E and CLA.

  3. The consumption of artificial sweeteners, MSG (monosodium glutamate), genetically modified food, carbonated beverages, ice cold drinks and over consumption of wheat

  4. Not drinking enough water

  5. Eating highly refined food late at night

  6. Consumption of micro-waved, irradiated and pasteurized food

  7. Consumption of food that has been treated with pesticides, herbicides or any other kinds of chemical additives

  8. Eating food that is rich in trans-fats

  9. Eating food that does not sufficiently excite the palate


In addition to all these factors, obese people also suffer from certain defeating and self damaging habits like:


  1. Lack of exercise

  2. Overexposure to air conditioning, fluorescent lights and electromagnetic frequencies from wireless devices

  3. Skipping breakfast

  4. Lack of exposure to the sun

  5. The use of consumer products that consist of mineral oil, propylene glycol and sodium laureth Sulfate

  6. Lack of organic raw fruits and vegetables in the diet




2010 - present

2010 - present

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